Tag Archives: arc flash @pt-br

Enforcing & Complying with NFPA 70E

Enforcing & Complying with NFPA 70E

NFPA 70E Policies

The best way to enforce NFPA 70E is through company policy for your employees and customers. Companies should look at all aspects of NFPA 70E to determine what policies are needed and what policies they want to create and enforce. The purpose is to set forth procedures for the safe use of electrical equipment and […]

May is National Electrical Safety Month

May is National Electrical Safety Month

NECA Safety Professionals Conference 2016 presented by Westex by Milliken

Each May the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) commemorates National Electrical Safety Month (NESM) to raise awareness and educate the public on critical electrical safety topics. EHS Today reported in 2015 that, Workplace electrical incidents result in another nearly 300 deaths and more than 3,500 injuries every year. Although not the leading cause of workplace […]

Your Trusted Connection for FR Safety

Your Trusted Connection for FR Safety

When it Comes to FR Safety We Are All In

When it comes to arc-rated and flame resistant clothing, theres a science behind peace of mind, a science to feeling good, and a science to coming home safe. When it comes to the science of being safe, of caring, we are all in.

New Arc Flash Testing Laboratory in Brazil

New Arc Flash Testing Laboratory in Brazil

Arc Flash Testing Lab in Brazil

Starting later this year, a new arc flash testing laboratory in Brazil will begin testing to ASTM and IEC standards for flame resistant fabrics, garments and rainwear, face shields and gloves. Petrobras, the largest multinational energy corporation in South America, has partnered with the Energy and Environment Institute at the University of Sao Paulo (IEE […]

I Thought it was Dead…

I Thought it was Dead…

I thought it was dead

Accidents are just that, they happen by chance and not on purpose. In fact, after an accident workers are often heard saying how safe a particular electrician always was until the day he or she wasnt. Accidents where workers think energized circuits are dead claim the lives of electricians every day. Many electricians have consciously […]

Why One Size of PPE Does Not Fit All

Why One Size of PPE Does Not Fit All

Why One Size of PPE Does Not Fit All

Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as arc rated FR clothing, is a critically important part of every electrical safety program. It should be used as the last line of defense, meaning it helps protect when all other preventative measures have failed. In fact, the hierarchy of controls puts eliminating the hazard as the most effective […]

When Proper Arc Flash Protection Performs as Designed

When Proper Arc Flash Protection Performs as Designed

Performed as Designed - Westex eZine Sept 13

Arc flash accidents are frequently noted when, unfortunately, something terrible goes wrong and an employee is injured. However, not all of these stories end badly due to proper use of arc flash protection. In his article for Flame Resistant Insights, Larry Hilgeman of The Hilgeman Group, Inc., shares a report from a real-life arc flash incident […]