Welcome to the Westex Blog

Where we share our perspective on current trends, best practices, and the future of FR safety.

Three Ways to Use AR/FR PPE to Stay Safe on the Job

May is Electrical Safety Month, which is a good reminder to ensure your team’s safety efforts are in line with the updated industry consensus standard NFPA 70E. Workers in the electrical field are exposed to unexpected hazards, including arc flashes, so safety precautions should be reviewed frequently to help reduce the risk of injury. Thorough risk assessments are required to reduce the likelihood of arc flash incident occurrence and you can never be too careful when it comes to protecting workers, so PPE is employed, as the last risk control, to mitigate the severity of injury should an arc flash incident occur.

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Understanding Primary vs. Secondary FR Protection

Safety managers have a very important decision to make when determining the type of personal protective equipment (PPE) that their team needs. Before nailing down the fabric, apparel and PPE brands they would like to select, they first need to determine whether their team, or even specific members of their team, require primary or secondary FR protection to help perform their job responsibilities as safely as possible.

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Three Key Points in Defining Thermal Hazard Mitigation Programs

It is every employer’s goal to keep its workers safe on the job, but providing for the safety of your employees requires a holistic approach. Forming just one dimension of a hazard mitigation program, personal protective equipment (PPE) can be extremely beneficial when specified correctly. It is important, though, to look at a safety program comprehensively, so we asked our training experts, two of which will be attending the Petroleum Safety Conference at the end of this month, to share three key aspects to consider when building your program.

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Por Mari Chies,
Gerente da América Latina | Westex by Milliken

A norma de segurança elétrica, NFPA 70E, define os padrões de segurança que reduzem ou eliminam os riscos elétricos. A norma orienta empregadores, trabalhadores próprios e contratados a trabalhar juntos e por meio de uma profunda avaliação de risco, determinar seus programas de segurança para alcançar a proteção adequada e de acordo com as exigências legais para todos os envolvidos, sem diferencia-los. Read More

Illustrating NFPA 70E Updates

When the 2018 edition of NFPA 70E went into effect, many within the industry took time to explore how the standard changes would affect both employers and workers. There are a number of articles you can turn to on the subject; indeed, even Westex by Milliken has penned a few articles expanding on what the changes mean.

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What “88/12 FR” Means

In our line of work, it is critical to understand the needs of our customers. From the nature of the daily hazards you face to the ever-important subject of budgets, Westex by Milliken understands that a number of factors go into selecting the right arc-rated/flame resistant (AR/FR) fabric for a company’s personal protective equipment (PPE) program.

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Incidentes com arco elétrico e  fogo repentino, são uma realidade diária para os trabalhadores de concessionárias de energia elétrica e do setor de óleo e gás. Para ajudar a manter os trabalhadores seguros em seu dia a dia, os profissionais precisam de uma proteção contínua, além de vestimentas específicas para determinadas tarefas. Vestimentas antichama de uso diário, tais como camisas de trabalho, calças e jeans, são uma solução fácil para que estes trabalhadores estejam adequadamente protegidos em casos de arco elétrico e fogo repentino. Read More