Welcome to the Westex Blog

Where we share our perspective on current trends, best practices, and the future of FR safety.


Existem muitos fatores que influenciam na criação de um tecido antichama de alta qualidade. Embora existam muitas propriedades relacionadas à resistência à chamas (FR) que são frequentemente mencionadas como durabilidade e certificações, há algumas características que tendem a receber menos atenção.

Reunimos cinco fatos interessantes sobre tecidos antichama (FR) para ampliar seu conhecimento sobre esse importante equipamento de proteção individual (EPI). Read More

Cone Denim and Westex by Milliken continue partnership for stylish FR denim daily wear

Collaboration is key for discovering creative and sustainable solutions to meet customers’ needs. To that end, we are excited to share our successful collaboration with Cone Denim – leaders in premium denim for consumer apparel – will be renewed to continue offering our customers cutting-edge arc rated (AR) flame resistant (FR) denim. Our two brands exclusively produce and distribute the FR denim Westex Indigo® to meet the safety and wearability needs of industrial workers.

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Inside FR Technology Development: An Interview with Drew Child

Decades of expertise and a deep understanding of the science of a flame go into creating new arc rated (AR) and flame resistant (FR) fabrics. We sat down with Drew Child, Director of Technology and Program Director for Milliken’s Uniform and Protective Fabrics Business, to discover more about the process behind developing new AR/FR textiles for cutting-edge personal protective equipment (PPE) for the electric utilities, and oil and gas industries.

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Os engenheiros e técnicos de segurança do trabalho têm uma missão muito importante ao determinar o tipo de vestimenta antichama que sua equipe necessita utilizar. Antes de escolher a marca do tecido e a confecção é preciso determinar se as atividades realizadas envolvem proteção antichama de risco primário ou secundário e, desta forma, implementar o melhor EPI antichama para realização destas atividades. Read More

Five facts you may not know about FR fabrics

There are many factors that go into creating a high-quality FR fabric. While there are many flame resistant (FR) properties that are often mentioned, such as durability and industry certifications, there are some characteristics that tend to receive less attention. We rounded up five interesting facts that you may not know about FR textiles to expand your knowledge on this important component of personal protective equipment (PPE).

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Quatro atualizações da norma NFPA 2112 que podem afetar seu programa de vestimentas antichama

No final de 2018 a norma NFPA 2112: Standard on Flame-Resistant Clothing for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Short-Duration Thermal Exposures from Fire (Norma sobre Vestimentas Antichama para Proteção Pessoal contra Exposições Térmicas de Curta Duração) passou por importantes mudanças. Esta edição de 2018 é um referencial para o mercado de segurança do trabalho como um todo – impactando fornecedores, fabricantes e também os usuários finais. Se você está investindo em vestimentas antichama ou em equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) em geral, descrevemos as quatro mudanças mais significativas que você deve levar em consideração ao especificar suas vestimentas e implementar os protocolos relevantes. Read More

Specifying Proper PPE Clothing to Protect Against Hazards in the Aluminum Industry

aluminum industry thermal hazards

While the aluminum industry can generally be a safe place to work, there are occupational hazards that employees need to be aware of and actively guard themselves against. It is important for safety managers to fully assess the workplace for the risk of potential short-term thermal hazards and design a safety program that fits their employees’ needs. When developing safety initiatives in the workplace, it is important to consider incorporating arc rated (AR) and flame resistant (FR) primary and secondary personal protective equipment (PPE) to help mitigate injury should an incident occur.

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Four Ways Clothing Can Contribute to Reducing the Impact of Heat Stress

Heat stress can be a serious concern year round, but it is especially prevalent in the warmer summer months. There are many factors that contribute to an increased risk of heat stress including high external temperature, humidity levels, sun exposure, lack of breeze, not drinking enough water, intensity of labor, and heat-trapping PPE. Work attire is often overlooked when analyzing heat stress factors, but when coupled with rest, hydration, and shade, it may help lessen the likelihood of heat stress. Here are four tips to use clothing to your advantage to help prevent the impact of heat stress on a day-to-day basis.

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Westex Launching New Style for Popular Westex® DH Performance FR Fabric at ASSP Safety 2019, Booth 1727

Every year, safety professionals, manufacturers and more gather at ASSP Safety to attend educational seminars, review best practices, discuss industry trends and find the latest innovations in safety. Westex by Milliken is a regular exhibitor, and we always enjoy connecting with others who have the same mission we do: to protect industrial workers daily.  Westex® branded FR fabrics cover a multitude of jobsite hazards, including offering proven protection to help mitigate impacts of short-term thermal exposures, like flash fire and arc flash. At ASSP Safety 2019, we’re excited to expand our line of industry-leading FR textiles with new styles for Westex® DH performance FR fabric.

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